

Sign Up for Electronic Statements!

eStatements green keyboard keyIf you want a quicker and safer way to access your bank information, go paperless! Instead of receiving physical paper statements, you can get paperless eStatements. You will then be able to access your bank account information online.

Some benefits of paperless eStatements include increased security and instant viewing.

Lost & Stolen Mail Can Lead to Identity Theft

Decrease your risk of identity theft by signing up for eStatements. You can completely eliminate the threat of stolen identity as a result of lost mail by signing up today.

  • Access your bank statement from anywhere with internet access.
  • Access one year of electronic statements in the bank's archives.
  • View, print or save bank statements on your home computer.
  • Eliminate the clutter and storage space of paper statements.
  • Secure encryption of your private information.

The best part is that eStatements are FREE! Stop in at one of our convenient Commercial Bank locations to sign up for eStatements today! 

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